Baltic Style Strong Dark lager
ABV: 7.5%
Gravity: 17 dP
IBUs: 24
Malts: Pils, Munich, Extra Special, Carafa, Black Malt, Chocolate Malt
Hops: Nugget, Saaz
Secret Techniques: Ice cold lagering
Available after the first puck drop
Our Baltic Strong Dark Lager is mahogany in color with toasted biscuit and a smooth finish. Once the mitts drop, notes of cocoa nibs and prunes mask the deceptive 7.5% alcohol content for those times your team is short handed.
While this style of beer is often referred to as a Baltic Porter, referring to the style as a porter is a misnomer as all other styles known as porters (outside of Baltic Porters) are exclusively ales. The Baltic Dark Lager style originated from London as the export of strong stouts grew a market for dark, high alcohol beer in the Baltic coast of the Tsarist Empire. In the early 20th century, strong dark beer began being brewed in the region (specifically by Tivoli Brewery in the area that is now Estonia) but with the bottom fermenting lager yeast.* The name Baltic Porter stuck despite using the defining feature of lager beers - lager yeast.
Pils, Munich, Extra Special, Carafa, Black Prinz, Chocolate Malts, Nugget and Saaz hops
SECRET BIbliography
Jackson, Michael; Beer Companion Second Edition, 1997; Running Press, Philadelphia/London, pg 190