EXTRA FANCY Light Beer with Watermelon and salt

ABV: 2.62%

Gravity: 6.2 dP

IBUs: 18

Malts: Vienna, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Oats, Honey Malt

Hops: Lotus and Pacifica

Secret Ingredients: Watermelon, Salt

Per 12oz - Average Analysis

Calories: 80

Carbohydrates: 6.1 g

Protein: 0.5 g

Fat: 0.0g



Beerathon is light with a complex blend of watermelon rind and candy fruitiness wafting from the slightly pink-hued ale. Mild sweetness with saline mouthfeel play against the watermelon overtone. The dry and bright finish will leave you racing for more.


No-sparge brewing plays a key role in the flavor profile of Beerathon. Unlike most beers which use a continuous sparging process (adding hot water to the mash bed to extract as much sugar from the grain), Beerathon wort is run off into the kettle and diluted with water and lactobacillus soured beer to hit the proper sugar content. Although the process reduces mash efficiency, it creates a clean cereal grain base minimizing the polyphenol content from the mash avoiding an astringent finish to the final beer.


Vienna and Honey Malt, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Oats, Lotus and Pacifica Hops, Watermelon, Kosher Salt, Lactic Acid Produced by Lactobacillus