Known Gnome
Porter with Bark and Roots
Tasting Notes
This brown porter features notes of nuts and biscuits if they were briefly introduced to a coffee roaster. Licorice root offers a pronounced sweetness and tannins further complement the biscuity backbone while it finishes with a kiss of fleeting brown malt and botanical bitterness. 6.7 % alc/vol
Secret Techniques
Quassia bark and licorice root add unique bitterness and sweetness, respectively. Quassia bark was often used in bitter tonics and licorice root contains a chemical which is 50 times sweeter tasting than sucrose. These additions are a through back to when old timey porter brewers would use ‘adulterants’ to avoid paying hop taxes.
Pale, Brown Malt, Oats, Dark Chocolate, Black Malt, Nugget hops, Quassia bark, and Licorice root