Native fermented belgian style ale

ABV: 6.4%

Gravity: 14.2 dP

IBUs: 28

Malts: Pils, Dark Munich, Flaked Barley, Spelt

Hops: Nugget and Sterling

Secret Techniques: Inoculated with Native yeasts harvested from spontaneously fermenting apple cider

Available June 2018


The berm


Native fermented Belgian Style Ale inoculated with yeasts harvested from spontaneously fermenting apple cider. Complex interplay between dark soil (specifically petrichor for you taking the SATs next week), hay, tannic apple skin and dried apricots with a subtle, balancing tartness. 


John made a Belgian style ale ale. While this was fermenting, some pressed apples (pre-cider, or, future-cider, whatevs) that we had in a tote in the brewery started fermenting spontaneously, so we threw that into the beer as well, to kick start fermentation. The result is one of the more unique Belgians we have ever made.


Pils, Dark Munich, Flaked Barley, Spelt, Nugget and Sterling, Inoculated with Native yeasts harvested from spontaneously fermenting apple cider
